There is no time more fitting to say Thank You and to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and New Year of health, happiness and prosperity.
There is no time more fitting to say Thank You and to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and New Year of health, happiness and prosperity.
Mike Plummer celebrates 5 years with IPSA Security Services. Thank you Mike for all that you do!
Employee of the Month Tracie Hmieleski Employee of the Quarter Libby Shearer Employee of the Year Marc Davis
Demonstrated heightened vigilance on all patrols and reported/ responded to six (6) acts of vandalism and other security issues to include: unauthorized individual removals, trespasses, youths breaking a sign causing a pedestrian safety hazard, and a vehicle break in which he coordinated PD response and comforted victim. Officer Hughey documented all incidents in Silvertrac and
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Please take time to congratulate our EOM for November 2019: Libby Shearer Libby is our Lobby Supervisor and has been with IPSA for over 3 ½ years. Libby’s greatest asset is her exceptional customer service. Anyone who comes into contact with Libby notes her compassion, humor and kindness. Her smile and positive attitude rubs off
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On September 11, 2019 an NXP employee was entering at ATMC site when their e-cigarette exploded, which subsequently ignited their clothing. Isreal’s immediate actions: rushing to the employee’s aid, helping to smother the fire, assisting the employee to ensure they were in no further danger, and then supporting emergency responders was exemplary and a true
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Congratulations to Reginald Jones as the winner of the IPSA Perfect Attendance Incentive Award for the time period Jun-Sep 2019. IPSA Security Services greatly appreciates our officers demonstrated dedication and commitment to our organization, our clients and most importantly their customers. Perfect attendance is challenging and exemplifies the amazing officers we have on our IPSA
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Trevor has been an officer with IPSA/NXP since August of 2018. He is our 2nd shift lead SOC officer. Trevor handles all SOC issues expeditiously and has thorough follow through. Trevor has been instrumental in the training of his team as well as various other officers. He is diligent with regards to all information received
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Chuck is our 1st shift M lobby officer and has been with IPSA for almost 3 years now. Anyone that knows Chuck is aware of his comicality and his drollery banter which makes him fun to interact with, especially when ones mood needs elevated. Chuck’s computer knowledge has been helpful to many of his colleagues
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Jeff joined us in December of 2018 and is our 2nd shift Back up Lead for SOC. Jeff is very congenial with an ease and warmth that makes him very approachable. Jeff, is someone who takes the time to say thank you and show appreciation for his fellow officers. As Jeff became more proficient in
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